Writing runs in the Bicknell blood line, across several generations. Do please write to us if you yourself have published works or you know of other Bicknells. Here’s a few which I, Marcus near London, know…

Marcus’s mother Sally (née Sally Greenaway Leith 2018-2010) wrote 3 children’s books and three for adults (copies of which you can get from me):
* The Midwinter Violins (1973) by Sally Bicknell
* The Summer of the Warehouse (1979) by Sally Bicknell
* Follow that Uncle! (1980) by Sally Bicknell
* Night & Day (2006) by Sally Miall
* Sheep May Safely Graze (2006) by Sally Miall
* The Beamish Boy (2007) by Sally Miall
Marcus’s brother Julian Bicknell(www.julianbicknell.co.uk) has written on architecture and art:
* S Maria l’Assunta – Grignasco (Comune di Grignasco, 2006)
* Hiroshige in Tokyo (Pomegranate Books, San Francisco 1994)
* Great Buildings Model Kit (with Steve Chapman, Clarkson Potter, New York 1995)
* Julian Bicknell Designs & Buildings 2001 – 2016
* Julian Bicknell Designs & Buildings 1980 – 2000
Marcus’s late brother Stephen Bicknell (1957-2007) not only wrote
* The History of the English Organ (Cambridge University Press 1996)
but many treatises on organs and notorious and imaginative short story fantasies. Many of them are reproduced on his memorial website at www.stephenbicknell.org/2.6.php… go to the bottom of the page for Irreverent Tales and Pauloni in Paris. One of his characters, organist Albert Dufourmantelle makes a cameo appearence in my Sculpted Love.
Marcus’s uncle Peter Bicknell (1907-1995), architect of Cambridge, wrote extensively on mountains and the Lake District:
* Beauty, Horror and Immensity (Fitzwilliam Museum) 1981
* The Discovery of the Lake District, 1750-1810: A context for Wordsworth. With Robert Woof 1982
* The Illustrated Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes 1989
* British Hill and Mountains, Collins, 1947
* Gilpin to Ruskin: Drawing Masters and Their Manuals, 1800-1860. With Jane Munro, 1988
* The Picturesque Scenery of the Lake District 1752-1855: Observations on a Book Collection. 1987

Marcus’s late cousin Valerie Browne Lester (1939-2019)(www.valerielester.com) was an independent scholar, writer, and translator.
* Fasten Your Seat Belts! History and Heroism in the Pan Am Cabin (1995)
* Phiz, The Man Who Drew Dickens(2004), a biography of Hablot Knight Browne, Dickens’s principal illustrator (who was also her great-great-grandfather).
* Her biography of the great Italian printer Giambattista Bodoni (1710-1813) Giambattista Bodoni: His Life and His World was published by David Godine in September 2015.
* Her biography of Clarence Bicknell, Marvels: The Life of Clarence Bicknell, Botanist, Archaeologist, Artist, was published in June 2018. (www.clarencebicknell.com)
In addition to her books and her translation of Alain-Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes (The Magnificent Meaulnes, 2009), she wrote poetry, plays, and articles, including “A Bird’s Eye View of Nepal,” for The Atlantic Monthly.
Valerie’s son Toby Lester (Goodreads) has published
* The Fourth Part of the World (2009) and
* Da Vinci’s Ghost (2011).
Valerie’s daughter Alison Jean Lester (http://www.alisonjeanlester.com) has published
* Lillian on Life (her first novel, which came out also in French, Italian and German),
* Locked Out (Monsoon Books, 2007),
* Yuki Means Happiness (John Murray 2015),
* Absolutely Delicious: A Chronicle of Extraordinary Dying (2020)
and many essays and short stories referenced on her web site.
Do please let us know of other writers…. info@bicknell.net