Ok folks…. please listen up ****it’s time to get serious!****The clock is ticking toward the sale of John Bicknell’s homestead in Weymouth and the family need to think seriously about coming together to ensure this significant Bicknell artefact is cherished and protected.
All of you who know of your lineage back to Zachary & Agnes have a connection to this homestead.
Like I said, serious, right!?!?I have established that the property is listed on the Weymouth Demolition Delay Ordinance. But that will only provide 6 months of delay if the new owner files to demolish the house. I have also discussed the possible outcomes with members of the Weymouth Council and it’s clear that the only way to ensure this wonderful house is protected, is for it to be bought by one of our family or a collective Bicknell Trust.Time for action!
We need you to reach out in every way possible way to the Bicknell family for help. Please don’t assume that everyone knows about this. Send them a message on every media platform, email and even snail mail, even a good old Phone Call.
The asking price – $549,900Will you accept the challenge, can we come together and return this home back to the Bicknell family for the enjoyment of many generations to come?The Association already has a GoFundMe page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-bicknell-family-association
All donations of any size are gratefully received and will be invested in a number of projects, to be announced shortly.However, for John’s House, we look to find a handful of $100k+ donations to proceed with the purchase.
These significant donators will be encouraged to form a Trust to ensure their investment is protected.
If you are able to offer support in excess of $100k please get in touch with the Association at Treasurer@Bicknell.net or call Del on (44)7847334849.
Thank you, with warmest regards, Del.